In Ayurveda it is said that the main cause of disease or imbalance is prajnaparadha or transgression against wisdom. This means violating your inner sense of intuition, as well as ignoring your past. Another famous ayurvedic adage is sarve 'pi roga mandagni-hetavah which means all disease is caused by an imbalance of the digestive fire; it is upset by extreme emotions or an inappropriate diet.
Through the consultation process, we offer comprehensive advice on the three pillars of ayurvedic medicine, namely diet, herbs and dinacarya or daily and seasonal lifestyle choices. This is combined with a variety of ayurvedic therapies which include detox as well as pain and stress relieving protocols.
So, if you are seeking a holistic and natural approach to managing your health, or simply looking for a good massage, we welcome your enquiry and look forward to meeting in person.
Wishing you health and happiness!